This guide compares the best linux network monitoring.
Linux network monitoring tools cli.
Some are designed to present a basic overview while others provide detailed data.
It uses graphs to help you monitor inbound and outbound traffic.
Speedtest cli is available in most distros and can easily be installed using the package manager.
The tool is popular because it is ultra light and consumes light resources to run.
However these need the user to login to the remote server over ssh.
It s a command line tool that monitors network throughput.
Alternatively web based monitoring tools can also be used for the same task.
Nload displays network usage.
Ntop and darkstat are some of the basic web based network monitoring tools available for linux.
A handful of common tools only operate on windows pandora or other systems but most network monitoring tools run on linux systems since linux with its higher degree of user input and easily recodeable security bugs is often the choice for it specialists who wish.
Linux top command is a performance monitoring program which is used frequently by many system administrators to monitor linux performance and it is available under many linux unix like operating systems.
Vnstat can monitor traffic and keep logs of a specific interface.
It is a quick little tool for checking your download and upload speed.
Linux command line monitoring.
Iftop display bandwidth usage install iftop in linux yum install epel release on rhel centos yum install iftop apt install iftop on debian ubuntu 3.
Monitoring tools can be divided into various categories like linux network monitoring tools linux server monitoring tools linux system monitoring tools linux performance monitoring tools linux resource monitor linux bandwidth monitor and a different set of command line tools that can perform all in one linux system monitoring and analyze.
Each option has its strengths and weaknesses.
Observium focuses on providing a beautiful and powerful yet simple and intuitive interface to the health and status of your network.
Those were a few handy commands to quickly check the network bandwidth on your linux server.
The top command used to dipslay all the running and active real time processes in ordered list and updates it regularly.
Observium is an auto discovering network monitoring platform supporting a wide range of hardware platforms and operating systems.
There are many different tools for monitoring network traffic on a linux server.
It is an open source cli linux bsd utility used to monitor and store network statistics.
Most of the command line utilities are designed to be lightweight and easy to use.